
Regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is based on natural and sustainable food production. Soils are regenerated through targeted and consistent use of the interplay between photosynthesis, soil life and primary and catch crops. The basis is the consistent use of the sun as an energy supplier, conscious regulation of the nutrient balance and targeted promotion of soil biology: soil bacteria, soil fungi, earthworms, springtails, etc.

By using special techniques and cultivation methods that cover and protect the ground, the soil is biologically revitalized and chemically and physically optimized. Regenerative management means that the proportion of humus in the soil increases. If the humus content exceeds 5%, it creates its own dynamic: the soil organisms regulate and optimize the chemical composition of the soil on an ongoing basis.

The following five principles have prevailed in regenerative agriculture:

1. Biodiversity in and above the ground

2. Minimal soil disturbance

3. Permanently rooted soil

4. Permanently covered ground

5. Integration of animals